Outline of the CV:
- Education
- Researcher positions and experiences
- Lecturing experiences
- Awards and grants
- Publications
- Invited seminars
- Selected academic and industrial collaborations
- Participation in research projects
- Further professional activities
- Skills
Degrees and titles
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc), in Engineering Sciences (Information Science), October 2020
Dr. habil., October 2017, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics (PPKE ITK)
Ph.D in Image Processing with Summa cum Laude at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology (PPKE ITK) , Budapest, Hungary, June 2008, (supervisor: Prof. Tamás Szirányi), thesis work was partially supported by SZTAKI)
M.Sc. in Computer Sciences, degree with honors, June 2004, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Research positions and experiences
2002-nowadays: working for the HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI) in various researcher and manager positions:
Deputy director for scientific coordination (since 2023)
Scientific advisor (since 2020) with the Machine Perception Research Laboratory (MPLab)
Senior research fellow, 2009-2020, MPLab
Research fellow, 2008, Distributed Events Analysis (DEVA) Research Group
Research associate (in full-time, as PhD candidate), 2007-2008, DEVA Research Group
Research assistant (in part time, as PhD/MSc student), 2002-2007, in the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory (ANCL) (currently called as CSOWCL), later in the DEVA Research Group (established in 2007 partially by members of ANCL)
2008-2009: postdoctoral researcher, with the ARIANA project of INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, led by Prof. Josiane Zerubia (on a 12 month leave from SZTAKI, visit my archive homepage at INRIA)
- 2002-2004: research intern at Cognitech Ltd.
Lecturing experiences
Full Professor with the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Péter Pázmány Catholic University (PPKE ITK), Budapest since 2021 (associate professor between 2015-2021)
- lecturer and responsible of the Basic Image Processing (EN, 2017-), Computer Graphics (HUN, 2010-) and Biometrics (HUN, 2015-2016) courses
- also worked as external lecturer of Computer Graphics between 2010 and 2015
- Ph.D. supervisor at the Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology at PPKE ITK, and at the Doctoral School of Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Current Ph.D. topic proposals
Supervised students Attila Börcs (BME, PhD, 2018), Balázs Nagy (PPKE ITK, PhD, 2020), Yahya Ibrahim (PPKE ITK, PhD, 2023), Lóránt Kovács, Örkény Zováthi (PPKE ITK, PhD, 2024), Marcell Kégl, Vilmos Madaras , Balázs Pálffy, József Kövendi, Balázs Bódis
Former Assistant professor at the Department of Electronics Technology of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) 2010-2013
For more details, please visit my Lecturing page.
Scientific scholarships
Janos Bolyai Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2015-2018 and 2010-2013
French Postdoctoral Grant for 12 months, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, with the Ariana Project-team 2008-2009
Young Researchers' Academic Grant, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2007-2008
Hungarian state scholarship for Ph.D. studies 2004-2007
Scientific awards
Master Teacher Golden Medal, National Scientific Students’ Associations, 2023
Michelberger Master Prize, acknowledging sucessful engineering results obtained in mentor and mentee relationship (received with Prof. Tamás Szirányi), awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Engineering, 2020
Bolyai Plaquette, Awarded to about 10% of Bolyai Scholarship holders by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2019
Imreh Csanád Plaquette, supervisor award of the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK), Section Information Technology, 2019
Acknowledgment for Researchers by the Secretary-General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Főtitkári Kutatói elismerés
), 2018
IEEE Senior Member, 2018
Bolyai Certificate (Bolyai Emléklap
) for outstanding rating of the Janos Bolyai Research Fellowship final report, 2014 and 2018
4-times: Publication Award, SZTAKI, 2022, 2018, 2014, 2010
Award for Young Reseachers, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2014 (MTA Ifjúsági Díj
Institute Awards, SZTAKI, 2021, 2010 and 2008
Institute Award for Ph.D. Students and Aspirants 2007 and 2005, MTA SZTAKI
See the full publication list here (with the papers, demos), or in the MTA KPA database (including citation statistics). You may also check my Google Scholar and Scopus profiles.
Invited Seminars
TUDelft, Intelligent Vehicles Group, Delft, the Netherlands, December 2022, seminar title: "Urban scene perception and environment model synthesis from multisensorial spatial data"
INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée, France, multiple times since 2006:
- in June 2022, title: " Multi-sensorial Urban Environment Perception" (Ayana project team)
- in Jan. 2014/b, with title: "An Integrated 4D Vision and Visualization System" (Titane project team)
- in Jan. 2014/a, with title: "An Embedded Marked Point Process Framework for Multilevel Object Population Analysis" (Ayin project team)
- in Nov. 2007, with title: "Novel Markovian Change Detection Models in Computer Vision" (Orion/STARS project team)
- in Jan. 2007, with title: "Multi-Layer MRFs in Change detection" (Ariana project team)
- in 2006, with title:"Markovian Approach on Foreground-Background-Shadow Segmentation of Video Images"
University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, Sydney, Australia, September 2012, seminar title: "Integrated 4D - Creating reality based virtual worlds"
CSIRO Sydney (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Sydney, Australia, September 2012, seminar title: "Object detection with Marked Point Processes"
University of Szeged, Hungary (invited by Zoltan Kato),
- in 2013, with title: "A Lidar-based 4D scene reconstruction system",
- in 2012, with title: "Object Modeling with Marked Point Processes in 2D and 3D",
- in 2010 with title "Joint Stochastic Approach of Building Extraction and Change Detection"
University of the German Armed Forces Munich, Germany, title: "Automatic analysis of urban environments based on aerial and terrestrial LIDAR measurements", Munkich, Germany, October 2011
DLR Germany (German Aerospace Center), title:"Building Development Monitoring in Multitemporal Remotely Sensed Image Pairs", Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, October 2011
Florida State University, Department of Statistics, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, title: "Change Detection in Optical Aerial Images by a Multi-Layer Conditional Mixed Markov Model", at the, 16 December 2008 (invited by Prof. Anuj Srivastava)
Ramon Llull University, Barcelona,"Markovian Approaches on Different Change Detection Problems", (invited by Xavier Vilasis-Cardona)
Selected academic and industrial collaborations
Ayin (previously Ariana) Project-team: continuous collaboration in remote sensing pattern recognition tasks with regular visits, since 2006
University of Pisa, Department of Information Engineering: research and project collaboration in ISAR image processing and target recognition tasks with Dr. Marco Martorella and Prof. Fabrizio Berizzi (2010-2012)
Research collaboration in algorithm comparison of different visual building detection techniques, with Dr. Beril Sirmacek (Yeditepe University and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and with Prof. Hichem Sahli (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) in 2010
Airbus Defence and Space, Hungary (previously Infoterra Hungary Ltd, and Astrium Geo-Information Services): research and project collaboration related to remote sensing applications, since 2010
Budapest Közút Zrt (Public Road Management company of Budapest) algorithm development, consultancy regarding Lidar based road survey and management
Zinemath Zrt: algorithm development, consultancy regarding the zLense project
Selected Research Projects
European Space Agency (ESA) Project, "AI based Fusion of Satellite/Airborne data for Biodiversity Change Characterization", 2023-2025, project leader
National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA) researcher initiated OTKA project 2022-2026, (48 months), principal investigator
zMed project - Developing innovative medical solution which is an augmented reality based visualization technology of 3D medical scans and reality that also strengthens the doctor-patient relationship and improves the medical education - Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP) Call 3.2.2, duration: 2017-2020 (36 months),
technical and scientific coordinator @ SZTAKI
Change detection and event recognition with fusion of images and Lidar measurements, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA), Call for Research Groups with Significant International Impact (KH-17 call), duration: 2017-2019 (24 months),
principal investigator
Knorr-Bremse Hungary - industrial R&D collaboration WP leader
EMG - Building insulation planning (2017-2018), industrial project working for EMG Group plc technical project coordinator
Instant environment perception from a mobile platform with a new generation geospatial database background, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA), Call for researcher initiated projects 2016, duration: 2016-2020 (48 months),
principal investigator
Internal projects of MTA SZTAKI (call 2016): (1) Autonomous Vehicle Control Laboratory (2) Surveillance technology and activity monitoring system, (3) Integrated 4D film production system, WP leader of Lidar focused work packages 2016-2017
KARESZ Project of BKK-Közút Zrt: Work Package (WP) for automatic roadsign detection based on laser scanning and multiview photos, 2014-2015, technical coordinator of WP
zLense project: algorithm development, consultancy, 2014-2015, participant as researcher, advisor
DUSRIREF project funded by the European Space Agency under the PECS-HU framework, 2013-2016
project manager
PROACTIVE (PRedictive reasOning and multi-source fusion empowering AntiCipation of attacks and Terrorist actions In Urban EnVironmEnts), FP7-SECURITY Project, 2012-2015
, participant
i4D (intergated4D) project funded by the internal R&D grant of MTA SZTAKI, 2012-2014
project manager
Comprehensive Remote Sensing Data Analysis, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). Postdoctoral project, 2012-2014 (36 months),
principal investigator
HUNOROB (Hungarian-Norwegian research based innovation for development of new, environmental friendly, competitive robot technology for selected target groups), Jan-April 2011
, participant
APIS (Array Passive ISAR adaptive processing), European Defence Agency (EDA) project, "Innovative concepts & emerging technologies" - C3/1 Radar technologies- Processing, 2010-2012
national project manager at MTA SZTAKI
THIS Transport Hub Intelligent Video System, "Programme Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security Related Risk", JLS/2009/CFP/CIPS ACTION GRANTS 2009-2011
MEDUSA Multi Sensor Data fusion grid for Urban Situational Awareness, Call Data Analysis, including Data Fusion from various Sources, European Defence Agency (EDA) 2009-2011
French-American Associated Team "SHAPES" 2008-2009
JUMAS (Judicial Management by Digital Libraries Semantics) ICT FP7, 2008-2009
Autonomous Aerial Reconnaissance and Navigation (ALFA) Hungarian R&D Project, 2005-2007
Network of Excellence MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning), FP6-567752, 2004-2007
Sensing Computers and Telepresence, Hungarian R&D Project, Section Autonomous Multi-camera System, 2003-04
Further professional activities
Vice chairman of the John von Neumann Computer Society, since Nov. 2021
Former president (2019-2023) and member of the steering comittee (since 2013) of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society (KÉPAF), (member of the society since 2004).
Associate Editor of Elsevier Digital Signal Processing (since 2019), Guest Editor of MDPI Remote Sensing, Special Issue "3D Urban Modeling by Fusion of Lidar Point Clouds and Optical Imagery" (2019-2020), former associate editor of the IEEE Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter (2014-2019).
Reviewer for scientific journals and conferences: IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, ISPRS Journal of Photometry and Remote Sensing, Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Pattern Recognition Letters, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing etc.
Hungarian Governing Board Member in the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), since 2019
Hungarian national representative in the International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Sensor-Driven Mapping, since 2020
Hungarian national representative in the European Association for Biometrics (EAB), since 2015
Various Public Relation (PR) activities regarding the research work conducted in SZTAKI (visit our Press page)
Participant in writing national and international project proposals, and patents, organizing collaborations: since 2006
- Senior Member of IEEE (2004-2007 Student Member, 2010- Member, 2018- Senior Member)
Languages: Hungarian (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate), French (basic)
Computer Skills: C, C++, Visual C++, Matlab, Java, LaTeX, HTML, LabView, Beamer
Research keywords: mathematical modeling, Bayesian models, hierarchical scene analysis, stochastic optimization, change detection, object recognition, 3D/4D reconstruction
Special libraries used in scientific programming: OpenCV, PCL, OpenGL, GSL, etc.
Others: driving license, playing violin, hiking, swimming, ultimate freesbee